Monday, 27 September 2010

Research & Planning: Film Regulation

We have decided to give the our teaser trailer either a 12A or 15 certificate, we understand that we cant us the certificate 12 because 12 films are not shown in cinema anymore, it has now been replaced by 12A, the reason we think the film could be a 15 film certificates is because the film trailer may contain:
  • Violence
  • Sexual Activity may be portrayed but not in detail.
  • Some swearing might be used.
  • Mature Themes may be used in the teaser trailer.
  • Drugs may be shown, but wont be used to promote or to encourage drug misuse.
  • If the film is a 15 i think it will sell better because it will target teenagers more.
The reasons we think our teaser trailer could be a 12A is because the film may contain:
  • Moderate violence may be shown but there wont be an emphasis on blood or injuries.
  • Mature themes but suitable for young teenagers.
  • Some swearing but strong language must be infrequent.

Friday, 17 September 2010

Research and planning: Test

For the film sequence we chose to do a chase, the genre of the film sequence is thriller, the purpose of the exercise was to see how well we work in groups and to get us used to using the final cut pro software.
I found working in a group quite easy as iv already produced a film teaser trailer at my old college Aston Sixth Form. I have also had experience using the software final cut so I found that quite easy aswell.
Im pleased with how the editing went in the film sequence, I think it makes the shots look better, I also think the music went really well with the shots used. I think towards the middle it gets a bit boring and there is too much running in the film sequence. If i was to do the film sequence again I think I would use more time getting different types of shots than editing it. 

One of my favorite bits in the film sequence is where we reversed the shot and sped it up, I think it looks really creepy and it creates ambiance. I also like the shots where we used the negative effect because it looks abit scary.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Research And Planning: Genre

I am going to research different genres to help me make up my mind on which genre to use for my teaser trailer. The 4 genres i have chosen to research horror, thriller, action and comedy.

The first genre i researched was horror, a horror film is designed to panic and scare the person watching the film, to do this a horror film must contain silences, sound and sound effects to build an eerie atmosphere, scenes to make the viewer jump. Some horror films are the viewers worst nightmare which is what makes them more scary, such as ghosts as seen in the film the haunting, demons as seen in the film OMEN, psycho killers for example in halloween and jason X and sometimes just things like rollercoaster crashes, airplane crashes which are seen in the final destination films or even just a disease outbreak can scare people for example in the film cabin fever.
Last exorcism trailer

The second genre i chose to research was thriller, i think that the thriller genre in some ways is quite similar to the genre horror, a thriller is designed to cause tension and excitement and maybe cause the viewer to be abit uneasy and on edge, films that fit into the thriller genre are films which contain crimes, psychological thrillers and mysteries. Some of the most popular thrillers are films such as the godfather, psycho, the dark night and the silence of the lambs which can also be classed as a horror. If you are going to make a successful thriller the film must contain suspense, quick cuts, sound that will cause tension.


The third genre i chose to research was comedy, comedy is one of my favourite genres along with horror. Comedy is designed to make the viewers laugh, there are lot of different types of comedy for example slapstick, black or dark comedy and spoofs such as scary movie. To make a good comedy you need well known actors or actors that usually star in comedy film eg. will ferrell, it must contain gags and jokes or just silly things that will make people laugh. Most comedy films tend to have a happy ending lighten the mood.

Here is the trailer for The Other Guys which is a new comedy film coming out in cinema.

The last genre i chose to research was action, action films usually contain great editing, chases, big stunts and explosions and fighting. The usual narrative for and action film is good guy/girl versus bad guy/girl. A typical type of action film would be mission impossible, james bond type films. I think that the main target audience for a good action fil is probable boys because most of them are into guns cars and explosions. Some of the most popular action films are inception, the matrix, the great escape.

 Wanted Trailer