We have decided to give the our teaser trailer either a 12A or 15 certificate, we understand that we cant us the certificate 12 because 12 films are not shown in cinema anymore, it has now been replaced by 12A, the reason we think the film could be a 15 film certificates is because the film trailer may contain:
- Violence
- Sexual Activity may be portrayed but not in detail.
- Some swearing might be used.
- Mature Themes may be used in the teaser trailer.
- Drugs may be shown, but wont be used to promote or to encourage drug misuse.
- If the film is a 15 i think it will sell better because it will target teenagers more.
- Moderate violence may be shown but there wont be an emphasis on blood or injuries.
- Mature themes but suitable for young teenagers.
- Some swearing but strong language must be infrequent.